As a free-spirited monkey of a kid, nothing was more life-giving for my soul than to be let loose in the world to climb trees, get my hands dirty and live with my head in the clouds. I drank water from a garden hose, plucked ripe tomatoes from the garden and chased after wild fireflies wandering under the trees. 

Lucky for me, my mother had a camera forever glued to her hands, so I can press play on most of that magic through the VHS and photos she took over the years. I can return to the glow in our eyes, the grins on our faces and the babies we were in another time.

So, it all makes sense to me now that my chosen life’s work is doing for others what my mother was doing for me.

It’s a big part of why I love to create films and take photos.

Life moves fast, but documenting it rekindles why it’s so good for years and years to come.

Where It All Started.

Full permission to relish in an untethered existence made childhood a heaven I’d go back to in a heartbeat.

Capturing magic.

She pulled minutes out of our life’s pages - out of regular days and normal weekends - and soaked them in stardust we could hold onto. It didn’t matter what we were wearing or doing, the haircuts of the era or who was missing a tooth, She saved that pure feeling of life for us! I’ll never be able to put into words how meaningful it is to still have those memories to come back to.

As a free-spirited monkey of a kid, nothing was more life-giving for my soul than to be let loose in the world to climb trees, get my hands dirty and live with my head in the clouds. To drink water from a garden hose, to pluck ripe tomatoes from the garden, to sprint after wild fireflies wandering under the trees. 

Lucky for me, my mother had a camera forever glued to her hands so I can press play on most of that magic through the VHS and photos she took over the years. I can return to the glow in our eyes, the grins on our faces and the babies we were in another time.

So, it all makes sense to me now that my chosen life’s work is doing for others what my mother was doing for me.

It’s a big part of why I love to create films and take photos.

Life moves fast, but documenting it rekindles why it’s so good for years and years to come.

Where It All Started.

Full permission to relish in an untethered existence made childhood a heaven I’d go back to in a heartbeat.

Capturing magic.

She pulled minutes out of our life’s pages - out of regular days and normal weekends - and soaked them in stardust we could hold onto. It didn’t matter what we were wearing or doing, the haircuts of the era or who was missing a tooth. She saved that pure feeling of life for us, and I’ll never be able to put into words how meaningful it is to still have those memories to come back to.

Children on a school bus,
crickets out in the field at dusk and geese flying south for the winter.


Getting into a bed with
clean sheets and laughing
so hard that it hurts.


Lilac trees in spring,
freshly-cut hay out in the field and a crackling campfire.


any kind of fruit tea and a
well-made brandy old fashioned.


A few of my favorites

Bo and I watch our family film all the time. It makes us so happy! It reminds us how important those little moments are and how normal days don’t seem like a big deal when they are. I’m also usually behind the camera, so it was really nice to be in the film too.”
-Ellen and Bo Boyer

"It reminds us how important 
those little moments are."

Our dreams can bring about the feelings we want most in our waking hours.
They can be vivid, specific, euphoric - and if we’re lucky, we remember them.

A dream I had as a kid was one of those.

It came again and again.
Over and over. 
For years.

And it never changed.

Together, we would fly across my sprawling grade school playground with its blue swing set and faded monkey bars.

Some kids noticed and looked up from their play.
Others didn’t.

It didn’t matter.

All I remember is how free I felt all the way up there. I wasn’t afraid of falling or scared of where we were going or concerned with what I was doing. I flew without fear like a mythological character or heroine in a storybook. 

It painted itself on the page to remain a symbol I carry with me into every session, every family, every film and everything I do.

The Story Behind The Logo.

They can play like movies safely stored within us, 
like wells of meaning we can pull the water up from at any time.

Looking back now, I know that dream was the ultimate emblem of my childhood, a reflection of an experience I needed to keep alive within myself. One that filled me with supreme peace and untamed imagination.

When it came time for me to land on a logo, 
the bird flew back.

I was soaring on the back of a dark bird - its spine as my saddle, its soft feathers my reins. 
My cotton nightgown would rustle in the wind while my hair lingered in the breeze.

Our dreams can bring about the feelings we want most in our waking hours.
They can be vivid, specific, euphoric - and if we’re lucky, we remember them.

A dream I had as a kid was one of those.

It came again and again.
Over and over. 
For years.

And it never changed.

Together, we would fly across my sprawling grade school playground with its blue swing set and faded monkey bars.

Some kids noticed and looked up from their play.
Others didn’t.

It didn’t matter.

All I remember is how free I felt all the way up there. I wasn’t afraid of falling or scared of where we were going or concerned with what I was doing. I flew without fear like a mythological character or heroine in a storybook. 

It painted itself on the page to remain a symbol I carry with me into every session, every family, every film and everything I do.

The Story Behind The Logo.

They can play like movies safely stored within us, 
like wells of meaning we can pull the water up from at any time.

Looking back now, I know that dream was the ultimate emblem of my childhood, a reflection of an experience I needed to keep alive within myself. One that filled me with supreme peace and untamed imagination.

When it came time for me to land on a logo, 
the bird flew back.

I was soaring on the back of a dark bird - its spine as my saddle, its soft feathers my reins. 
My cotton nightgown would rustle in the wind while my hair lingered in the breeze.